Sale! I can now officially announce that my story “Breakfast in Bed” will appear in the anthology Afternoon Delight, edited by the delightful Alison Tyler and published by Cleis Press. ::does happy dance, albeit carefully due to bum knee*::
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And, new Loreena McKennitt album! Squee!~ ~ ~
And because it’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, I wore my new Spooky shirt today, and got lots of comments!~ ~ ~
So, we were supposed to leave for Great Western War today, but we’ve decided to head out early tomorrow and spend another evening at home. It became apparent that we weren’t going to make it out before traffic (thanks in part to a last-minute-scheduled chiro appt for my knee and in part to my printer suddenly deciding that it didn’t want to properly print the Halloween invitations that it was printing just fine and dandy yesterday), and going out after traffic didn’t make a lot of sense: We wouldn’t go to the site in the dark, so all we’d really be doing is checking in to the hotel.So we’re staying home to get a few more shows off the DVR, pack at a leisurely pace, get the invitations folded and labeled and stamped, that sort of thing. It is good to be leisurely.
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*Yeah, I have no idea what I did to my knee. It’s been stiff for a week or so, and definitely has some fluid on it. I haven’t done any high impact sports, wrenched it, done absolutely anything unusual. My chiro has adjusted it (on Monday, and then again today) and loaned me a knee brace that’s less about bracing the knee and more about the magnets in the brace, and I’m to keep icing it or putting Biofreeze on it, and pay attention to how I’m walking so I don’t sneak it out of alignment. Sheez.---
Currently Reading: Tribute, Nora Roberts
Lately Listened To: The Good Catches Up, Gowan
Recently Watched: Fringe