planning on making a vat of spaghetti sauce in the slow cooker, and I have a
basic recipe cobbled from various ones in the Internet. I want to include a
bunch of pureed veggies so it’s even healthier; from what I’ve read, you can’t even
taste them.
question is this: How do I prepare the veggies in order to puree them? Steam
Or, since
I don’t like cooked tomato chunks, should I just toss in the veggies at the beginning of the slow-cooking process and puree the whole mess at some point? If I do that, at what
point in the process would I do it? Because I’d still like some onion chunks, so I'd have to add them later, and I’d need to add the ground meat early enough to get the sauce flavors into the meat.
potential veggies in question are broccoli, carrots, spinach, green or yellow
peppers, and squash (not sure what kind—thoughts?).
for other are welcome as well. Thanks!