1. Eostre seems to be fine. She was suffering from either sheer cussedness (which should come as no surprise to anyone who’s met her), a new allergy to Clavamox, or a combination thereof. When we took her off the Clavamox, she started eating regularly and not barfing, so tomorrow we’ll pick up a new antibiotic for her and hope for the best. And it took only about $600 for us to figure that out on our own… Thank you to everyone who thought good thoughts for her!
2. I had a short story due that just wasn’t getting done due to my fretting over Eostre, but the editor was incredibly kind and gave me a grace period. The story’s in as of last night, and I think it’s pretty damn good, for all the fits it gave me.
3. Thank you, America. ‘Nuff said.
4. I had a great massage tonight. Tequila was consumed throughout. Am now v relaxed.
5. Am I a total, utter geek in befriending most of the TAPS investigators on MySpace? I thought so. And I’m quite content with that.
6. “End of Season” has been accepted for the MILF 2 anthology! Haven’t seen the contract or been paid, though, so I can’t call this a true “sale” yet. But still!
7. Also had a preliminary “we love this story and will let you know for sure after all the stories are in” e-mail for a Sophie story—one that Teresa and I wrote back in 2002. Score!
Okay. More soon (including, possibly a flurry of older posts that are all currently in a state of disarray and unfinishment*), but that should hold ya’ll for now!
*Not a word, but it should be.