~~ "She has so many aliases, you'd think she was a spy!" ~~

Monday, December 10, 2012

Commence FLAILING!

I can barely type this, I'm so trembly with excitement. (No, not that way. Sheez.)

I'm all a-twitter, in the sense of the meaning before Twitter. A-flutter. Squeeing.

So much goodness!

First, my collection Kiss Me Hello: Lesbian Erotic Romance, 11 stories written as Andrea Dale, is now available as a print book from Amazon! That's right, you can buy it for your Kindle (or on other sites for your Nook, Kobo reader, phone, computer screen) as an e-book, and you can hold it in your hot little hands as a print book! You should be able to order it at any bookstore, too.

(Just in time to buy it for that special person for a holiday gift. I'm just sayin'.)

Electronic formats:
Amazon Kindle |  Barnes & Noble |  Smashwords

Second, the mail hath brought me comp copy goodness in the form of Elemental Magic: All-New Tales of the Elemental Masters:

Yes, it's true: I have a story in a Mercedes Lackey edited book, set in her delicious Elemental Masters world. Me. Me.

I mean, look at this table of contents:

Introduction: Mercedes Lackey
A Song of the Sea: Diana L. Paxson
The Fire Within Him: Samuel Conway
Makana: Fiona Patton
War to the Knife: Rosemary Edgehill
Stones and Feathers: Elizabeth Vaughan
Fire's Children: Elisabeth Waters
For the Sake of Clarity: Cedric Johnson
To Ride the River-Horse: Dayle A. Dermatis
The Phoenix of Mulberry Street: Michele Lang
Air of Mystery: Jody Lynn Nye
A Flower Grows in Whitechapel: Gail Sanders and Michael Z. Williamson
Tha Thu Ann: Tanya Huff
The Collector: Ron Collins
Queen of the Mountain: Kristin Schwengel
I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing: Mercedes Lackey

(I tried to take pictures using Photobooth, but they came out backwards....)

My name is on it—my name—along with Diana Paxson and Rosemary Edgehill and my friend Michele Lang and Tanya Huff and Mercedes Lackey herself.

Holy crap.


Miz Angell said...

*flailing in unison*


I'm gonna have to get me a copy of both for my Dayle collection - and then eventually get you to sign all the damn things. :D

Congrats darlin'!

Dayle A. Dermatis said...

Thank you, sweetie! There will be more to come soon, too!

Teresa Noelle Roberts said...

Shopping in 10..9...8...

OK, maybe when I get home from work.

Dayle A. Dermatis said...

Thanks, Teresa! HUGS!